Celebrating World Environment Day with the Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change


With this year's theme for World Environment Day being "Beat Plastic Pollution", we teamed up with the Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change for a clean up of Au Cap beach. Located on the East coast of Mahe and within easy access, Au Cap is highly frequented by picnickers and this shows in the amount of rubbish collected: 18 balloons, 120 plastic containers, 65 plastic utensils, 78 plastic straws, 130 plastic bottles, 81 cans, 404 glass bottles and over 75kg of other rubbish! Truly shocking, but good news is, after this clean up and listening to what a lot of you had to say, ...

Au Cap is getting more bins!

We really hope they are made good use of. As with every clean up, it takes real team effort to make it a success, so huge thanks goes to the Ministry, Au Cap Environment Club and the Seychelles People's Defence Forces for teaming up with us.